Adult Eligibility List

      *Please Read through the eligibility check list before scheduling your Road Test*

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        1. Impact Texas Adult Drivers Certificate



        On September 2014, The State of Texas made it a requirement for any person applying for a Driver License in Texas must watch the 1 Hour Impact Texas Young Driver Video.The ITYD Video must be watched maximum of 90 days prior to the Road TestMust also print out Impact Video Certificate.
        Click below to watch the 1 Hour Video

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        2. Texas Learner Driver License 


        You must present a Valid Learner License 

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        3. Proof of Insurance Required only if Tester is using personal vehicle


        We require proof of insurance of the vehicle that will be used on the Road Test.FRONT and BACK license plates are required on the vehicle. If your vehicle has paper plates, we require a minimum of one on the vehicle. 
        Use of Our School Vehicle$25 charge for use of our vehicle.
        You will be required to sign a waiver, and will be liable for any damages that may occur during the
        Road Skills Evaluation and/or Road Skills Test.

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        1) Please arrive at least 10 minutes before your Road Test appointment. DUE TO COVID-19 PARENT AND STUDENT MUST WEAR FACE MASKS BEFORE ENTERING AND DURING ROAD TEST. We will conduct a standard health protocol including taking temperature and have tester fill out a health questionnaire.  For additional info visit the DSHS Texas Website on Health Protocols.
        2) We will request and verify all of the paperwork from the eligibility list above. *WE WILL NOT ROAD TEST IF THERE IS ANY MISSING*
        3) If your paperwork has been previously processed by the Texas Department of Public Safety in an attempt to take and pass a Road Test, you MUST bring the official proof of payment.  
        4) For additional information please consult the Texas Department of Public Safety Website.        
        5) No Refunds on Failed Road Tests. 
        6) We are a Third Party Skills Test Center, only authorized to administer the Official DPS Road Test. At this time the Texas DPS is the only agency authorized to issue a Driver License. 
        7) NO Passengers of any age allowed in the vehicle during the Skills Evaluation and Road Test. 


      After Road Test

      At this moment, the Texas Department of Public Safety is the only agency authorized to issue a Driver License.

      We will give you a sealed envelope with the test results & paperwork from the eligibility list.
      DO NOT OPEN envelope.
      You have 90 days to take results to the DPS
      You MUST schedule an appointment on the DPS website to submit testing results from a Third Party Testing Center. The temporary alternate mail-in process for Driver License is being discontinued as of June 15, 2020.

      We do not accept checks OR American Express
